Conard, C. and D.A. Airola Special Issue on the Status, Management, and Conservation of the Tricolored Blackbird
Meese, R.J. Efforts to Assess the Status of the Tricolored Blackbird from 1931 to 2014
Meese, R.J., J. Yee, and M. Holyoak Sampling to Estimate Population Size and Detect Trends in Tricolored Blackbirds
Airola, D.A., R. J. Meese, and D.E. Krolick Tricolored Blackbird Conservation on Status and Opportunities in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of California
Meese, R.J., and E.C. Beedy Managing Nesting and Foraging Habitats to Benefit Breeding Tricolored Blackbirds
Meese, R.J., D.A. Airola, E.C. Beedy, and R. Cook Recovering the Tricolored Blackbird in California
Young, L. The Genesis and Program of Audubon Chapter Tricolored Blackbird Action Team
Airola, D.A. and L. Young Protecting Nesting Habitat for the Tricolored Blackbird on Private Rangelands in the Foothill Grassland Region of the Sierra Nevada